Our Products
MarksChkAns - Blank/Multiple - Check Answer Tool
MarksChkAns is a tool for OMR Answer sheet’s Response field checking task. Generally after data capturing from OMR Answer sheets, as part of standard checks to be performed, more than one shading (Multiple) and Nil Shading (Blank) checking in the answer field can be displayed for verification of data whether the reading is correct. The blank and multiple shading can be highlighted in the image for faster verification.
MarksQC - Editing Tool
MarksQC is an Editing tool for any type of OMR Sheets. Any OMR sheet processing contains QC process called Editing where the Blank and Multiple shadings in the OMR fields like Roll Number, Subject Codes, Name, DOB, Category etc.. can be verified and corrected. The verification (Editing) process can be done with the corresponding image displayed aside with the corresponding field highlighted for faster verification (Image lookup QC). Once verification is done, the duplicate can also be done in the unique Key field if need be.
MarksKonvert - Key Conversion Tool
MarksKonvert is a Key Converter tool useful for transposing the text data from buffer into Row/Column wise or into a single line based on the option selected and put them back into buffer itself quickly. This conversion tool will be handy where there are multiple subjects and multiple set of Answer Keys available as Spread sheets like softcopies and to make them as Flat-Row Style Key format as DBMS for faster scoring.
MarksScore - Scoring Software Tool
MarksScore is a Scoring tool comes with various versions suitable for various scenario, depending on the client’s need. The scoring software tool comes with various scoring methods too such as simple scoring, Sectionwise scoring etc.. Also the provisions for subjectwise, version wise scoring and even questionwise Correct Marks, Negative Marks, Fractional marks features available. Also tool has provisions for Combination scoring / grace marks. Tool can be tweaked for any type of custom scoring requirement.
MarksRep – A Report Generation Tool
MarksRep is a Marks and Rank List generation tool for Object type Examination – OMR Answer Sheets processing. After scoring, the list of candidates can be obtained with their marks in the order of Roll number wise or in the order of Rank wise. Category wise list also can be taken by using filters and the required fields can also be chosen and can be exported as an Excel / Spreadsheet file.
MarksFoil - OMR Marks Foil Cards Data Posting Tool
MarksFoil is a OMR Marks Foil Data Processing (Posting) Tool. Marks Foil are used in the Subjective Examination Answer Booklet Evaluation marks data process as well as for Internal Assessment (IA) and Practical Examination marks data capture process. Generally it used contain records of around 10-15 candidates in a single Marks Foil OMR sheet of a subject, so as to capture all those marks in a single scan and read of that sheet. Each sheet will have a unique identifier (FoilCard Number) and printed as Barcodes for later processing.
MarksAtt - OMR Attendance Posting Tool
MarksAtt is a OMR Attendance sheet Data Capturing Tool. OMR Attendance sheets are used while Examination to mark if a candidate is present or absent for that session (subject). Sometimes, the OMR attendance sheet will be designed in such a way that to obtain candidate’s signature, Thumb impression, Question Booklet Version or Set Codes etc as well as the attendance sheet will be supplied with the student’s Photograph and specimen signature to identify the student while he writes examination by the Hall invigilator. Generally one OMR attendance sheet contains records of around 5-15 candidates of the session, so as to capture all those attendance data in a single scan and read of that sheet. Each sheet will have a unique identifier (Attendance sheet number) printed as Barcodes for later processing.
MarksKChk - Key Answer Checking Tool (OMR Answer Sheets)
MarksKChk is a Key Answer checking tool that can be used for any OMR Answer Sheet Scoring Process. OMR Answer sheets are scored using the Key Answer (AnsKey), most of the times, there will be even 500+ key answers as there may be multiple Subjects and Question Paper Versions (Setcodes) for each subject or QPCode. Generally the Key Answers are available in the form of Printouts (HardCopies) or in the form of Excel like Speadsheet softcopy formats. T he first and foremost process is to convert the Key Answers into Database format suitable for the Scoring Program / tool available with the processing team. Once converted, it is very important step to check the converted key answer with the originals, if they are converted properly without any conversion mistake, otherwise it will create a mess in result. MarksKChk comes in handy for this task.
MarksCompare - OMR Answer Sheet - Double Scan Comparison Tool
MarksCompare is a software tool to compare double scan / read data of any OMR Answer Sheets. Double scan or reading will generally be performed to compare and obtain more accurate data in case of sensitive OMR answer sheet scanning and processing job. Wherever mismatches are there in the captured responses (Questionwise), the decision will be taken by seeing the corresponding image displayed aside (Image Look-up correction). The option for the QC operator is generally to choose the correct reading by selecting either the first reading (R1) or the second reading (R2).