Re-invents On Screen Evaluation.

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MarksOSM is an On Screen Marking tool that facilitates digital evaluation process of Pen & Paper exams. Subjective Answer Booklets are received after examination by the organizations, scanned (either by cutting the stitched area or without cutting using book scanner) to get the images of the answer booklet written by the candidate. Then these booklet images are securely uploaded to MarksOSM platform to distribute them to evaluators systems (which could be in local network or in different centres) to view the images and evaluate the booklet on their computer screen and assign marks. Evaluation process can be done locally or remotely with desktop or laptop systems / Android Tablet / Mobile devices. Once the valuation is completed, the subject wise and questionwise marks of the answer scripts are straightaway ready and so the result can be processed quickly.

Transparent & tamper proof

There is no need for Dummy Number, Fictitious or Code number printing for evaluation. Students’ identities are completely hidden to the evaluators while they evaluate the answer scripts.

Swift & Accurate Result

Marks are directly gathered as Database in evaluation stage itself & the traditional data capturing & verification phases are eliminated there by the result can be announced instantaneously as soon as the evaluation is completed. Digital evaluation process reduces manual errors to improve accuracy in result.

Cost Saving

Huge cost saving on Logistics, Storage, Administration. Since all the answer books are digitized for the MarksOSM, the digital copies are readily available for photocopy to students for any re- totaling or RTI requests and no need of spending resources and time on searching the physical booklets and scanning them. Physical handling of answer booklets can be minimized.



Centralized monitoring of the evaluation activities facilitates the examination controller to analyze and plan the evaluation schedule for earlier result announcement. Model pre-assessed dummy booklets can be sent to evaluators randomly to assess the quality of the evaluation and to take any corrective measures. Quick valuation by some valuators can be restricted. Evaluator has to spend his quality time per script to the benefit of the student..


Multiple valuations (eg: Double valuation) of the same answer booklets by different evaluators are quite possible and even at the same time simultaneously. Re-evaluation is made easy since digital images are already available.


MarksOSM comes with a process-driven question paper template module to save time by grouping similar types of question papers for question paper pattern creation. It allows fractional marks and highlights options for zooming, jump to a page, rotation of page, evaluators’ comments, and rejection of the wrong subject booklets, not visited pages. MarkOSM provides annotations like Tick, Cross, circle, line with red / green color pen for evaluators and Head examiner/moderator. Annotations are layered and stored separately and securely so that the same set of images can be sent for any number of valuations afresh. It saves Storage space as well as data can be transferred quickly.


MarksOSM comes with Simple and user-friendly graphical user interfaces. Auto-total and auto- save features provided for every marks and annotations entered. Evaluations can be done on local area network, remotely via online. Both auto and manual allocations of answer booklets to evaluators are possible. Audit trail and logs are inbuilt for security control.


Moderators or Head Examiners can be assigned randomly some of the evaluated books for their review and acceptance.


MarksOSM comes with an admin control panel to maintain master details like Courses, Subjects, QP Codes, Centre Code, Medium and evaluators. Featured with Role based authentications, MIS reports and audit trails.


Traditional answer sheet checking

On-Screen marking process

Managing physical answer sheets at various levels of evaluation with mass storage requirement.

Once images are captured through High-speed scanning or uploaded by any android mobile or tablet to the server, eliminates further physical answer sheet management.

Traveling of evaluators from multiple locations to a center where evaluation is conducted.

Eradication of traveling as the evaluator can evaluate from any remote location.

Tremendous time consumed in physical answer sheet correcting, checking, totaling with high chances of noticable errors.

Time saving with zero errors.

Publishing the results take a quantum of time due to enough manual activities that are prone to error and ratifications.

Result announcement is a matter of consolidation of the data and time needed for further result processing activities and mark data capturing is done already.

Finding and tracing any missed answer sheets or request for revaluation is a hard task.

All the scanned images are securely saved digitally for any further references.

The incomparable cost which cannot be foreseen traditional answer sheet checking.

Unbeatable diminishing cost On-Screen marking process.


Screen shots of the android version of our MarksOSM application.


Contact us at [email protected] for detailed discussions on your requirements and an exclusive commercial offer.


MarksOSM is designed as a universal tool to process and analyze data during the evaluation as and when the examination is conducted in subjective writing (Descriptive), One of the key advantages of the technology is its efficiency, flexibility, versatility, and accuracy.

Universities for their Subjective Examination Evaluations

Schools and Colleges – for Semesters, practical’s answer sheet booklet, graphs and     Engineering drawings for both digital valuations and assignments digital valuations

Real-time monitoring of marking progress & quality. Elimination of errors related to incorrect tabulation and assessment of marks.

Online Evaluations (Remote Evaluations) no need for traveling evaluators can even flow the     Process remotely on an approved time frame.

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