Re-invents data capturing.

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An Intelligent built-in OMR software that converts an ordinary image scanner into a high performance Hybrid Scanner. As the forms pass through the scanner in real-time,the scanner captures data, barcode and the colour images. The engine also detects and displays errors and duplicate images automatically.It also rectifies upside down images and extracts the data accurately..

Proven and Reliable

India’s premier institutions across the country have availed the services of the MarksOMR engine and have processed more than 100 millions forms in the last 5 years. In a single project within a short span of 15 days we have successfully scanned and processed more than 20 million forms this year. Templates designs and operations are user friendly. Threasholds can be defined as per the business requirements of the customers.

Well Documented

Our software solutions enact precision in reading the content of an image scanner or MFP to capture Answer sheets, Barcodes, Image clips, Survey papers and Ballots. Now there is no need of heavy investment on procurement of scanners or on expensive resources. MarksOMR solution is the quick fix solution for your big data consolidation.

Super Fast

The remarkable part of the engine is its speed in capturing the images, data and barcodes from 130 PPM upto 260 PPM accurately. The engine is designed in a such a way that it can also work on low end scanners ranging from 20 PPM to high end production scanners that can process upto 150 PPM.



Online scanning and offline reading. Works with any Twain compatible scanner. Captures DPI, gray and color images without a need of color drop-outs.Works with Windows 7, 8, 10 OS desktop systems. Supports customised scoring and report modules.


Images in JPG/BMP/TIFF formats. Identifies Pen, Pencil marks along with linear barcodes. Fine reads single/double sided (simplex/duplex) OMR sheets. Capable of reading any OMR sheets without efforts of re-designing templates. No need for super-imposing as it reads from non-color dropout scan modes. Captures clips, image portions like photos, addresses, and signatures.

Ease of use

Easy user interface with precision and accuracy. Scan in color and get OMR Data and color image simultaneously. Extracted Data can be saved in formats like MDB/CSV/Excel/DBF.


High speed data extraction with upto 18,000 + sheets per hour. Compatible with low - high volume processing.

Product Highlights

MarksOMR has stayed true to its value for money and has developed a low cost alternative towards the more expensive OMR scanners in the market. We have introduced a hybrid image scanning option that helps convert any Twain compatible image scanner which delivers functions of both OMR scanner and as a standard image scanner by our artificial intelligent designed software solution. The end result is that a customer has an option of investing less than 15% of the total value of a costly OMR scanner by upgrading to MarksOMR software solution


MarksOMR facilitates the data crucial to your business use case such as, answer sheets, barcodes, image clips. In a single pass it provides OMR data, Image Clips like Photo, Address, Signature areas as well as Barcodes like Application or Answer Sheet Numbers. It has Quality Checking or Verification (Editing) module as well as Answer Sheet Scoring, Tie-Breaking and Ranking Modules which will be useful in case of MCQ tests.

Tested and Proven

It has already been tested and proven In Big Projects. More than 100 million OMR sheets extracted for Schools Boards, Universities and Entrance Examinations

Easy to use

No special training required.

Tried and tested.
India's Top Clients serviced

IIT-M, Multiple Universities, CBSE, BSEB, Banks and more.

On-premise software model

Your data is secured and safe as there is no external exposure and no need of internet connection after activation.

Easy Template Option

No Coding or experts training required.

Subscription based licensing

Buy the pack of pages as per your need, pay based on usage and no upfront large charges,

Dedicated Help-Desk

24/7 email | Online Support | Account Manager


Screen shots of the MarksOMR Application.


Multiple day validity | Online support | Product Training | Help Desk | Add-on Top-up pages available for various customized slabs | Custom Scoring Module | Custom Reports depending on requirement.


700/2500 pages - 90 day vality
Suitable for Exploring features of MarksOMR

  • Online Data Capture (On the fly Scan)
  • Capture Offline
  • Records Viewer
  • QC Module
  • Template Management
  • Scoring & Reports
  • Technical support [Email support for first 30 days]
Buy Now

5000 25,000 pages - 365 days Validity
Suitable for Schools, Colleges,SME, Coaching Classes.

  • Online Data Capture (On the fly Scan)
  • Capture Offline
  • Records Viewer
  • QC Module
  • Template Management
  • Scoring & Reports
  • Technical support [Email/online support for first 90 days, Email support for rest of the year]
Buy Now

7000 50,000 pages - 2 Years Validity
Suitable for Schools, Colleges & Universities, SME, Coaching Classes.

  • Online Data Capture (On the fly Scan)
  • Capture Offline
  • Records Viewer
  • QC Module
  • Template Management
  • Scoring & Reports
  • Technical support [Email/Online support till validity]
Buy Now

10000 100,000 pages - 5 years Validity
Suitable for high volume.

  • Online Data Capture (On the fly Scan)
  • Capture Offline
  • Records Viewer
  • QC Module
  • Template Management
  • Scoring & Reports
  • Technical support [Email/Online support till validity]
Buy Now

* Extra Investment for Customization & Results *Additional Investment for Knowledge Management
* GST 18% (Taxes) extra for All Plans. Applicable Charges Extra.
* Software Distributive Download will be sent to registered email id. License will be emailed after Payment is realised at our end
* Technical Support will be on our Office working hours (Mon-Fri 10 am to 6.00 pm IST). No support during Local & National Holidays
* All USD Payments should be Wire Transferred nad Plans will be excuted after 2 hours of Payment Confirmation


Application and Registration forms

It extracts data from OMR Application forms & Registration Forms. Useful for entities like Schools, Universities, B-Schools, Corporate companies, Coaching Institutes, Hospitals, Pathology Centers, Financial Institutions, Insurance, Automobiles, Courier Services, Aviation and Entertainment.

Examinations and Tests

MarksOMR can be used for any MCQ tests such as Entrance Examinations, Eligibility Tests, Aptitude Tests, Council Evaluations, Board Evaluations, Assessment Tests, Vocational Skill Tests, IQ Tests, Bank Exams, Government Exams, B-Schools Semesters, Projects and Assignments.

Other Area’s we provide soultions

MarksOMR is also very useful in the area like Voting, Feedbacks, simply wherever the Multiple Choice questions are needed.

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